Friday, July 22, 2011

Weapon of Choice

Update to the previous post: with the help of a couple friends, my system is now running Windows 7 Professional and MS Office 2010, also professional.

I was told there would be a bit of a learning curve to deal with, and truer words were never said. However, I found myself able to carry out the tasks for which I most often use the PC without much difficulty.

The most noticeable improvement is the banishment of those annoying, irremovable footers that Open and Libre Office automatically inserted into my manuscripts whenever I added a header. On the other hand, the book that I'd pruned down to 1295 pages is now in excess of 1400 due solely to the act of opening it in Word.

Oh well, give and take...


Kuroi Kaze said...

You can adjust margins and printable area to get more text on a page if you'd like. I find Word tends towards way too much whitespace for my taste.

Anonymous said...

Pages are different in every word processor. As long as the words are pretty much the same you'll be okay :)

I find word all right to work with, though I also use Scrivener and Liquid Story Binder on occasion. It depends on the work.

Nick Enlowe said...

Just FYI I've had bad luck with Scrivener for Windows ... As much as it pains me to say it, it seems to be more stable (and more up to date) on Mac OSX. It just might be worth dual-booting just for Scrivener; It's that good.

LSB was a little bit too restrictive for me, but I know Merrilee had a lot of luck with it. TBH I only gave it about two weeks before going back to the good ol' dependable .txt and .doc(x) formats.

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