Friday, June 17, 2011

First Playtest

Thanks to everyone who helped test the first version of my Soul Saga RPG. I am diligently implementing most of the suggestions I received, including streamlining combat while retaining the damage system's sense of realism.

In addition to revisions, I'll also be adding myriad game elements, including alternate "magic" systems, Worked items, new races, and more character traits. There will also be plenty of flavor text to flesh out the setting.

Thanks again for the excellent feedback.


Kuroi Kaze said...

Can we get more insight into authoring/publishing/etc. That's what I really tune in for and what people who don't know you want to read about.

Brian Niemeier said...

Expect more publishing insights as I receive them. The book front is currently somewhat slow as I await responses on my two short story submissions. Those should arrive any day now. Until then, I've mostly been working on the game.

Thanks for the suggestions.

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