Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Storm

I'm a big fan of independent filmmaker Tony Wash. His team over at Scotchworthy Productions are currently working on a new horror movie titled The Storm. The premise has been described as Night of the Creeps meets women's roller derby.

If you ever catch Tony at one of his public speaking engagements, he'll tell you how he's screened his projects for film producers to universally positive reviews, only to be told that they have no money for him. Financing any independent art project is a herculean ordeal right now, but this guy and his crew keep turning out films that put Hollywood to shame for little or no reward because they love it.

Tony has set up a Kickstarter account for The Storm. I already donated because I'd never ask you to do anything I'm not willing to try myself. If you're a fan of independent horror or movies in general, or you want to help out an extremely talented and committed artist, I encourage you to pitch in.


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